The Tools menu provides commands for saving, viewing, printing, and plotting the various output
files generated by Concyl. The Tools menu also provides access to the parameter optimization
module and the Excel plotting interface.
Optimizer Setup:
Displays the optimizer setup
dialog that allows the user to enter the required input parameters for
an optimization run. Save Results:
Writes solution data to the current results file. If a current results file has not yet been specified,
then the user will be prompted for a new file name. View Results:
Opens the current results
file. The user must first save a results file by using the "Save Results"
menu item described above.
Print Results:
Prints the current results file. If a current results file has not yet been specified, then the user will
be prompted for a file name to print.
Save Plot File:
Writes specified plot data to the plot database file. The plot data to save is specified on the Loads
input page. View Plot File:
Opens the current plot
database file. The user must first save a plot database file by using the
"Save Plot File" menu item described above.
Generate Excel Plot:
Generates a 2D line plots
from the current plot database file using Microsoft Excel. The user must
first save a plot database file by using the "Save Plot File" menu item
described above.