Program Overview
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What this program does . . .
QuatView™ is a program for computing and displaying quaternions, Euler angles, and rotation matrices.  These are all methods for mathematically specifying the orientation of an object in 3D space.  QuatView includes the following components:
1.  A display tool that shows how the Euler angles, quaternion component values, and rotation matrix components all vary as the 3D orientation varies. 
2.  A conversion tool that can convert 3D orientation parameters to and from Euler angles, quaternion, rotation matrix, and rotation axis/angle. 
3.  A quaternion player that reads a formatted text file containing quaternion and time values and then displays the object orientation as a function of time with a user-selected frame rate or in real-time. 
4.  A network server that can receive and display quaternion data that is transmitted from client applications running on remote computers. 
5.  A 3D viewer that displays the object orientation in window that can be resized up to full-screen. 
Quaternions and their relationship to 3D orientation can be difficult to understand and visualize.  The same can be said of 3D rotational transformations in general. Some of the confusion arises from the different conventions that are commonly used for mathematically describing rotation.  These conventions include the 3D coordinate frame handedness (left or right handed), choice of reference frame (fixed or rotating), and the rotation matrix storage scheme (row major or column major).  The purpose of QuatView and the associated documentation is to reduce this confusion and thereby promote greater understanding of quaternions and the mathematics of 3D rotation. 
QuatView is a multi-threaded Windows application.  It is written in C# and uses the Microsoft dot net runtime framework (version 3.5).  It also uses OpenGL and requires a 3D graphics card for optimal performance.  QuatView is object oriented and built around a general purpose quaternion class that encapsulates all the mathematical properties and conversion calculations.  This quaternion class source code is available by email request (Email address is
QuatView is freeware and can be freely used and distributed according to the license agreement given here.  The author does reserve all rights to the program and documentation in accordance with international copyright law.