Client Tester
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Client Tester Program
QuatView includes a test program that demonstrates how to use the QuatViewClient class that is installed with QuatView.  The client tester program is a small GUI application that simply reads a quaternion history file and transmits it to the QuatView server using the methods and properties provided by the QuatViewClient class as described here
Figure 20 shows the QuatView Client Tester GUI.  The GUI has four input fields to enter the server IP address, port number, playback file path, and the transmit delay time.  It also has two output fields that display the transmitted message count and any status messages produced during the transmission.  The bottom of the GUI has two link buttons:  one for connecting/disconnecting to/from the server and the other for starting/stopping the quaternion transmissions. 

Figure 20.  QuatView Client Tester GUI

Once a connection has been made to the QuatView server, the user can begin sending the quaternion data file by clicking on the Transmit link button.  The program will then read and transmit the playback file with the specified delay time between each quaternion.  Alternatively, the user can request a variable or "realtime" delay between each quaternion.  This realtime delay is computed from the time values in column 1 of the playback file. 
Once a connection has been made or a transmission has begun, the user can stop the transmission or disconnect at any time by clicking on the respective link button. This will transmit a special stop signal or disconnect signal sent to the QuatView server.  A stop signal will automatically be sent once the end of the playback file is reached.  If any network error occurs during the playback file transmission, then an error signal will be sent so that the QuatView server can respond accordingly.