GUI Description
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The QuatView GUI has a tabbed interface with two tabs as shown in Figure 1 below. The first tab provides access to the rotation features and is described here.  The second tab provides access to the conversion features and is described here.  

Figure 1.  QuatView Main GUI

In addition to the rotation and conversion tabs, the QuatView GUI also has a row of link buttons across the bottom.  These link buttons provide access to the following additional program features:
·   Listen - provides TCP server capability to listen for and display quaternion
            data from remote clients. 
·   Play - provides playback capability for displaying a quaternion history data file
          interactively or in real time.
·   Options - provides access to all program settings including animation options,
              numerical precision display options, 3D display options, tolerances,
              and choice of reference frame.
·   Help - displays the program help file that you are currently reading.
·   About - provides program version information and access to the QuatView
            website for updates. 
·   Exit - stops all program operations and closes the main window.    

The small 3D View control on the rotation tab GUI also has a link button that, when clicked, will display a larger 3D viewer that can resized up to full screen.  This larger 3D orientation viewer overlays the main GUI as shown in Figure 2 below.  The features of the 3D viewer are described here

Figure 2.  QuatView 3D Viewer