Revision History
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3.0.  2016-03-04
1.  Fixed OpenGL plotting problem with Windows 10.
2.  Recompiled with Dot Net 4.0
2.9.  2011-09-1
1.  Help file update.
2.8.  2011-05-12
1.  Added main window context menu.
2.7.  2010-11-20
1.  Added X-Axis rotation constraint for 3D view to keep angle between +/-80°. 
2.6.  2010-04-18
1.  Added larger scalable 3D orientation viewer window. 
2.  Fixed stop and disconnection problems with client tester program. 
3.  Major update to the help file.
2.5.  2010-03-13
1.  Added TCP server to display quaternion data stream from remote clients. 
2.  Added TCP client class and DLL so that remote applications can easily communicate with QuatView. 
3.  Added client test application that can read a quaternion history file and transmit the file contents to QuatView running on a remote computer.
4.  Added log file capability for server mode. 
5.  Added mouse wheel control for 3D zoom. 
2.4.  2010-02-18
1.  Changed playback progress bar to trackbar with interactive user control of playback state. 
2.  Changed playback file reader to store the entire playback history in memory instead of reading the file one record at a time during playback.
3.  Updated playback mode display and added playback mode dialog.
4.  Added persistence for option dialog settings via configuration file.
5.  Updated help file.
2.3.  2009-09-28
1.  Fixed error with quaternion component ordering in playback mode with scalar last. 
2.  Changed process to high priority during playback for increased real-time performance.
3.  Included slerp and additional operator math methods to quaternion class.
2.2.  2009-09-27
1.  Made all playback settings persistent between program sessions via user configuration file..
2.  Added continuous animation style to options dialog.
3.  Added user input of DCM normalization tolerance to options dialog.
2.1.  2009-09-23
1.  Disabled all GUI link buttons during playback.
2.  Fixed problem with real time playback after stop.
3.  Added check for playback being too far behind real time.
4.  Set allowable playback time error to 50 msec.  If playback gets behind by more than this allowable value, then the playback time display turns red.
5.  Changed cursor to hourglass during program version check. 
6.  Updated help file. 
2.0.  2009-09-20
1.  Added ASCII file playback capability with selective playback speed from 1 Hz to  60 Hz.
2.  Added real-time playback capability with time read from playback file and maximum frame rate of 60 Hz.
3.  Fixed problem with quaternion sliders not working via keyboard input.
4.  Improved GUI update routines and increased animation performance.
5.  Updated help file. 
1.7.  2009-08-26
1.  Fixed bug with animation through Euler angle singularity.
2.  Added context menu option to orthonormalize the DCM if it fails the orthonormality check.
3.  Added context menu option to display the DCM orthonormality error.
4.  Added web update link and version check to About box.
1.6.  2009-07-28
1.  Make cube the default shape.
1.5.  2009-07-16
1.  Added Earth globe texture to sphere.
2.  Added "Stop Animation" button to GUI.
3.  Updated help file.  
1.4.  2009-07-11
1.  Added capability to plot cone, cylinder, and sphere
2.  Added capability to select major axis for cone and cylinder.
3.  Added capability to enter L/D for cone and cylinder. 
1.3.  2009-06-11
1.  Added vector color selection. 
2.  Changed animation mode to up/down instead of recycle.
3.  Updated help file. 
1.2.  2009-06-02
1.  Added vector plotting and line antialiasing. 
2.  Updated help file.
1.1.  2009-05-26
1.  Added animation capability. 
2.  Corrected error with vector rotation calculation.
3.  Added option for fixed or rotating vector reference (Frame A or Frame B).
4.  Updated help file
1.0.  2009-04-24
Initial release.